Charlie and I had guests this weekend who came to camp in our yard and paddle with us.

Up here in the north (Warren & Forest Co.), we have rhodies in good bloom, not at peak yet, but still looking great. We paddled the Allegheny River from Tionesta to President on Sunday the 5th and saw many in bloom on river-left, the eastern side of the Allegheny.

On Saturday the 4th several of us hiked the Newbold Estate and Anders Run. It was exciting to see the progression of the spring wildflowers: seed cases dangling from Solomon's Seal, apples on the Mayapples, berries developing on the Canada Mayflowers, still some blossoms on the partridgeberry, seeds on the yellow violets. Lots of shinleaf in bloom as well as Indian pipes everywhere in the damp leaf mold, dainty yellow whorled loosestrife, and wintergreen in bud. We also found some fungi, the highlight of which was a white coral fungi, name unknown. At the Stone House in the Hollow we found a sleeping bat. What a photo op that was, since it was at shin level. And of course we concluded with a hike through the big trees of Anders Run!

With a break for lunch in Warren, it was a perfect way to spend my birthday!