My little Maggie is entered in the Cutest Dog Competition. Grand prize is $1,000,000, and if she wins, she'll be donating a goodly portion to Tamarack, Audubon and other environmental and animal welfare groups. So please go to the website daily and vote for her until the contest is over. Your help is greatly appreciated!
(copy and paste since I don't know how to link these things!) Wait! I just realized that somehow, quite by accident, I linked the title of this article to the website where you can vote for her!
You can view the video of her dozing in the canoe:
For those of you who never met Maggie, here is a short biography of her. I adopted her through a small breed rescue on the internet in 2001. She came from Michigan and was turned over to the rescue group by her former people who decided to get larger dogs...maybe this is why she is so frightened of big dogs and goes on the offense when she encounters one! She suffers from epilepsy and is on phenobarbital.
She is 13 years old now, but still goes hiking, bicycling and canoeing with me, just not as often and not in bad weather anymore.
All the dogs in the competition are cute, but we all must admit that Maggie truly IS the cutest!! Thank you for your daily votes!