The quirks of fate continue to amaze me. A series of seemingly insignificant decisions resulted in a monumental turn of events for one tiny little bird:
On Saturday, I decided to go canoeing. On the way, I decided to take a shortcut over a gravel road. When the car started making weird noises, I decided to be cheap and take my chances on driving it home instead of taking it to a garage right away. En route to the dealership this morning to have the problem looked at under warranty, I decided to skip a stop at the gas station on the way up. Heading back after the service department removed the stone from the brake shield, I decided to head out of my way to downtown Warren to get gas at Kwik-fill instead of getting it at BP. That's when I saw the little Baltimore Oriole fluttering on the side of busy Rt. 62. Two u-turns later, the little guy was safely inside my cloth grocery bag and we were on our way to Tamarack Wildlife Rehabilitation in Saegertown 90 minutes away.
Now the oriole is in the safe care of Sue and her volunteers, instead of a pile of feathers on the highway. Funny how BP had a very minor part in saving this bird!!!